by ricky | Jun 20, 2016 | slider, Tournament News
Three top Elite series pros spent the day on the Potomac River fishing the 21st GEICO Angler Challange. Not only does GEICO provide outstanding coverage for it’s clients, they take great care of their employees. Here are a few shots from the tournament as well...
by ricky | Jun 17, 2016 | BassFest 2016, slider
Adrian Avena checks in after BASSfest on Lake Texoma. Here is a look at the lures he relied on and the rod and reel set up he selected. Keep up with Adrian on his Facebook page. Gets all the tackle Adrian relies on here....
by ricky | Jun 17, 2016 | slider, Young Guns of the Opens
Here is a recap of the Arkansas River Bassmaster Open from Alton Jones Jr. and Sam George. Follow Allton Jr. on his Facebook page. Keep up with Sam here Get everything you need to rig you boat here. ...
by ricky | Jun 15, 2016 | slider, What Is It Wednesday
Elite Series pro Brandon Lester sent us this screen shot of a school he found at Toledo Bend. Here is what he saw and how he approached it. “I started on this school on day 1 at Toledo Bend. They were sitting on the end of an underwater point that was about 12...
by ricky | Jun 15, 2016 | slider, The Reel Deal
We checked in with Elite Series pro Koby Kreiger to get the scoop on conditions at Lake Texoma. When BASSfest started the lake was about nine feet high and falling, but to really understand what Texoma has been through over the last few years your going to need to...
by ricky | Jun 15, 2016 | BassFest 2016, slider
We caught up with GEICO pros David Walker, James Niggemeyer and Mike McCelland at BASSfest 2016. Here is a look at how the did on a challenging Lake Texoma. .themify_builder .video-22964-0-0-1.module-video .video-content { } .themify_builder...
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