Squarebill Line Choice

Elite Series Pro Brent Chapman discusses squarebill crankbaits and making the correct line choice to get the most out of these fish catchers. .themify_builder .video-22399-0-0-1.module-video .video-content { } .themify_builder .video-22399-0-0-1.module-video...

Tackle Tuesday

It’s time for another Tackle Tuesday and giveaway. Here in Texas we’re thinking about the post spawn and one of my favorite baits is the new Strike King Rage Swimmer. This is a great bait to use in clear water situations, in fact the clearer the better. I...

A New Guest at the Tundra Suites

Brandon a Tiff name the new addition to their family.   .themify_builder .video-22384-0-0-1.module-video .video-content { } .themify_builder .video-22384-0-0-1.module-video .video-title { } .themify_builder .video-22384-0-0-1.module-video .video-title a { } Leave...